Wednesday, July 20, 2011


To the night wind I whisper

To those that dead I wish

A heart once filled with hope

praying on despair

The blazing sun has no mean

To a person living in dark

The light could shine his path

But not to his mind

A smile tell thousand mean

Full of joy, Full of hope

But the same smile has other mean

A mean that mean to every soul

It’s only time gazing on him

Whispering to those that won’t longer speak

Laying still on solid ground

Waiting the time to stop ticking

Their body still as tree

But their soul rooming the living

Those with heart can only feel

A feel that peel their tiny heart

To the night wind I whisper

Praying on despair

Praying on dark

Because my heart

Empty as my grave

Whisper, whisper and whisper

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Double Trouble

Jun and July seem to be a tough month to me... they are very unpredictable.... and yet I still sitting here and enduring it by myself... I really2 need to meet my adviser Badri Rozali to talk...

Speaking of tough, a past few hours ago.. I have been gazing Zatil Najat profile pic on facebook.. the pic show the figure of heart that have been divided into several sections which is not very scientific... (I dun think it scientific at all, but give unique thought in my mind...(trigger me to think)...) showing different part of what I believe "LIFE".... a section of romance, a section of defensive behaviors and ect..

Make me wonder... what is the biggest chamber in my heart...

Maybe it's Joy or Hatred... I cant decide... the smallest... maybe living without friends... well I dunno.... maybe someone close enough to me may define all those chamber... time move so fast... I even barely know my friends, they change too (a lot) as well am I.

Heh... the title of this post didn't seem to define the content... well so be it.. ha ha.

I wish July being good to you reader... and I wish they being good to be too,,,  bye: XD
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