Saturday, August 8, 2009

Out SideThe Box

Try to dive into other people thinking was hard; and harder when you actually hate him/her very much. However, people unusually try to put their place in those people that their like or dislike; substituting to feel how to be in that place was rare... the tendency why people love to feel right was because they feel secure that way; however, that was a fake victory, a cloud of weakness to their own reflection. Some people say friend like a mirror to you, but what if I say; those word is twisted by whom that try to disguise them self with other people perfection. All was about perspective; seeing from different angle of life and personalities. Why did human was very hard to predict? That because they have emotion, simply to say emotion was complex and changeable. This post of mine may have became from my simply minded and might be not; the meaning might be true and might be not. Some say there are no evil nor wrong; its only individual either it fit or not. Another question; will you kill a baby if being told? of course not... but, how if you being told about the greatest sin shall he committed in the future? This when the silent shall take place. Judging people and labeling them bad was indeed wrong for some opinion, and other say it for awareness and giving advice to others. But how if that individual only bad to you and good to others? Shall we say him bad? Question, question and more thinking. People say it is wise if you thinking whit your brain and your heart; but in my perspective, one should think and feel using both and also to see from different angle of life, not for decision, but for knowing. Sometimes some question never have answer...


  1. fuh..mendalamnye entry ko kali ni.

  2. huh ko bleh faham?
    bagus juga tahap pemahaman ko!

  3. boleh laa sikit2.haha. tapi x paham ditujukan pd siape..hoho

  4. Maybe what you says up there is a bit of reflection of the differences between ethical and moral. Sometimes we did something that is unethical but is morally right. Sometimes something is morally wrong but is ethical and so on. It depends largely on the current situation and how that particular person to view the circumstances. Everyone is different in the way they behave as well as their thinking style. It will never be an easy thing to explore what one thinks but by the way they behave,you can find a little bit clue there. To judge something under emotion is a massive mistake one could commit. The decision made by someone who is mad probably different when he/she is happy. It's not easy to tell someone to think like this or like that. It depends on the person himself. Their current emotions, mood or anything that might affect the way they think or behave have a huge impact on the way they make decision and judging a situation.

  5. sorry ekk...boyfriend aku memang suka beri pendapat panjang berjela-jela sampai tak terbaca. btw, aku xleh nak bace sampai abis. silau aa tulisan putih ngan background aku nak tau sape org ni.bagitau esok!

  6. fuh panjangnye explanation david. kelas kultur tisu aku pun kalah ni. haha.
    ye ar, jom serang akmal sok jenny, kite tanye die.haha.

  7. err sorry guys kalau aku dah terlebih explain. minta ampun banyak2

  8. haiya u guys want to know? zzzzzz

  9. hahaha ask i always forgot to tell u


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