Colour of Face
I have a special request to describe someone that we know,,,,,,,. this people we have know since first semester at UMT,,,, very bright, positive, righteous, and also friendly. For me She was a good friend ( as long she didn't back stabbing me or my friend ). At first semester, she was very energetic, seeing the spirit pumped us too. She was very friendly toward every single people including lecturer, however her friendly and self identity sometimes being miss understood as lobbying others but I know she not as other portrait it.
Being very different was sometimes hard; I know because I feel it too. The similarities between she and me is that we have a such unstable emotion, but the different is how we manage it. My advice to her; talking to others or making statement was very crucial with correct body language and the tone you use. Some people cannot respect or show other way to respect people, to survive in this condition you must keep the pace of your spirit down and slowly so that it wont be very obvious till the emotion resembled on your face. I also can see the different in her personalities in her; other say ''the dress isn't fit, the makeup weird! you cant wear that thick makeup in this very sunny day!". Sometimes I have to agree on those opinion. Fitting in other is not easy which you have to follow their step, sometimes we have to stand on what we believe but sometimes their are right and vice verse; this is the Quid pro quo (The price for that) where in order to have something there must be something you must exchange. Those that can fit and blend in other without sacrificing their identity was a survival of the fittest, those not fit shall be rejected and this is the normal way of the rule.
Back to the topic. At this final year many changes has happen to her; some describe it as personalities shock that happen when somebody exposed to many factor that might lead to confuse of self identity. Well for me, I accept as you can accept me; an advice again, those word are irritating for sure, people can say anything and none can stop that. Either you reject that or take that as an advice that comes in a bitter way, or seeing into your self. Denying own self was hurting but the achievement after that was sweet. Homo hominis lupus (Man's a predator to another man). Some say her voice was too loud and I happily can say yes! that truth! well in other perspectives that voice irritating their ears! since they are people that comes with very complex do and don't manner.... this kind of people mix with people that mostly comes from upper class than our the middle class. Knowing them before hating them is a wisdom of those survival; we cant blame them for the way they think or be because that way was far more evolve. And yet we will became like that when we got to that level. Dress resembling pride, makeup resembling pride, altitude resembling pride, this is the Vanitas vanitatum where all making up a complex personalities. Different people have different aspect of pride..... for me your voice have spirit in it, but the space belong to everybody; sometimes people have bad mood or memory, when a loud shock can irritate them..... we cant win all heart...
She have a good friends by her side; but can she prove to other that consider her as annoying girl that she can balance and change? can became very high level? can she amaze us? truthfully I also wanna see.... every people have a complex personalities, many have more than two personalities, but which are dominance to others? winning other people heart is not what I ask neither to became other than you wanna be. But sometimes, a surprise can change people mind. We wanna see can you adapt?
Too many I want to write; but the decision is still up to her, became your self doesn't mean became other; but it like a melody....
Being very different was sometimes hard; I know because I feel it too. The similarities between she and me is that we have a such unstable emotion, but the different is how we manage it. My advice to her; talking to others or making statement was very crucial with correct body language and the tone you use. Some people cannot respect or show other way to respect people, to survive in this condition you must keep the pace of your spirit down and slowly so that it wont be very obvious till the emotion resembled on your face. I also can see the different in her personalities in her; other say ''the dress isn't fit, the makeup weird! you cant wear that thick makeup in this very sunny day!". Sometimes I have to agree on those opinion. Fitting in other is not easy which you have to follow their step, sometimes we have to stand on what we believe but sometimes their are right and vice verse; this is the Quid pro quo (The price for that) where in order to have something there must be something you must exchange. Those that can fit and blend in other without sacrificing their identity was a survival of the fittest, those not fit shall be rejected and this is the normal way of the rule.
Back to the topic. At this final year many changes has happen to her; some describe it as personalities shock that happen when somebody exposed to many factor that might lead to confuse of self identity. Well for me, I accept as you can accept me; an advice again, those word are irritating for sure, people can say anything and none can stop that. Either you reject that or take that as an advice that comes in a bitter way, or seeing into your self. Denying own self was hurting but the achievement after that was sweet. Homo hominis lupus (Man's a predator to another man). Some say her voice was too loud and I happily can say yes! that truth! well in other perspectives that voice irritating their ears! since they are people that comes with very complex do and don't manner.... this kind of people mix with people that mostly comes from upper class than our the middle class. Knowing them before hating them is a wisdom of those survival; we cant blame them for the way they think or be because that way was far more evolve. And yet we will became like that when we got to that level. Dress resembling pride, makeup resembling pride, altitude resembling pride, this is the Vanitas vanitatum where all making up a complex personalities. Different people have different aspect of pride..... for me your voice have spirit in it, but the space belong to everybody; sometimes people have bad mood or memory, when a loud shock can irritate them..... we cant win all heart...
She have a good friends by her side; but can she prove to other that consider her as annoying girl that she can balance and change? can became very high level? can she amaze us? truthfully I also wanna see.... every people have a complex personalities, many have more than two personalities, but which are dominance to others? winning other people heart is not what I ask neither to became other than you wanna be. But sometimes, a surprise can change people mind. We wanna see can you adapt?
Too many I want to write; but the decision is still up to her, became your self doesn't mean became other; but it like a melody....