I will be going to KL this Saturday with my trusted friend badri.... Syamin shall be tehre too (hopefully), even though we are far far away but if one of us really work to treasure the friendship, there no such room for good bye...
Apa lah yg aku merepek ni, terbayang kan Shamin yg gemuk (aku akan cemburu sbb aku tak gemuk2)... But anyway maybe I will satisfy Badri to watch his choice of movie (I have watch all of them dude)... Sam tak leh kluar sbb kerje hari sabtu (contract work really this difficult?)... Nak ajak Zatil but U know she probably busy, plus her mom wont let her out (as she told me before)... Zul (my dearest friend yg suka panggil aku darling, well same as me; suka pura2 jadi kawan baik sebenarnya hampeh) this man dah balik awal ke TRG... aku lupa dia ada kelas 'extra'... I miss that Sabahan n Sarawakian friends... my chinese friend soo damn silent dunno where there are except for Chen n Fong.. but nvm I know they doing well... as for Tan uhhh I know he always in front of his lappy (a paparazi)...
Nadea stay at seremban... (baby sitter do have lot of work, respect U) Syma? clubbing all night long a next generation Kesha i think. Jenna ? see lot of her blog but her FB account like die already!... Kamil (I forget U already) whose I forget to mention? too many people I wanna to bebel but anyway lets put it into one sentence...
U guys light my life....... plz shine others as u shine on me...
hahaha...lawak la ko dow...tulis psl org len..
ReplyDeleteaku harap zatil ngan zul tak baca T_T