Friday, July 31, 2009
So busy even not
I hav many thing to be done, but very busy with other stuff. to tell you, i have something that in very dislike happening around me. but nvm I lack of time to tell you, maybe next free moment. ok bye2
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hate n Love ?
I can't say much about what hate or love is....cause I don't know the definition for both... some might think I differ from others.. but what can I say.. I just a friend type n not a love type.. sincerely I treasure my friend very much,, I'm very choosy in picking friends..not because there are not good or what so ever,,, but as I know most of my friend are not very normal.. for me they not because there have there own altitude and behavior that make them they.. I accept it even though its bitter and eyesore.
Here some of the name that some of you might recognize and what make them special for me and if your name not listed; that mean I didn't have enough time to wrote:
Kamil: very simple minded person, however a friend in joy ( I need one)
Badri: ohwww this very different, but I trust him the most; where all the secret I share. He is a good person if you know him better; very complex mind, hard to understand n never talk bad. I hope he know that I want to graduate together with him.
Acab: interesting very dirty thinking but I can depend on him.
Syafiq: kuat merajuk kalah aku! but very tolerate. Became dangerous when he like to keep all the hatred and sadness alone. (every people have problem and sadness; if you can observe it to their heart you can became an excellent friend type person)
Amir: I know he has many secret but I won't interfere with it. because all the matter are not interesting for me to know.
Leo: At the first time we talk, he like to throw out every sentence in his mind... very annoying. but now he change completely with better understanding. I like him becoz of he concern to others. Something most ppl lack today.
Shamin: I hate him and I like him. a very complex person to understand and that make me stick to know him.... a person that I know will survive without other at his back.
Sam: I can't talk much I dunno him to the core, but my advice to those lover since he was a very lovely person to girls; if you love somebody very much plz open your mind together with your heart so that you know that you are not fooling your self with uncertain matter.
Tan: he like my brother, I like him even though he not very dependent, I like him the way he is. Such a sweet person.
Low: a big brother, I hope he will found his dearest ppl. Such a romantic person. I know...
Jenny: A very nice person, from the first I meet her, she was very beautiful.... I hope she can diet a little. I like to see her smile... a very nice and fun person.. like to work with her...
Jihan: I dunno her much, but she always being good to me and I think that enough to call her a friend of mine.
Zatil: My first girl friend, not this ''GIRL FRIEND''. I can talk much with her,,, very simple minded and easily predicted. She has a nice heart and much hatred to informal behavior and life style... (understand your.... and he shall understand you; this what a friend of mine told me and I give it to you)
Zila: what I know a friend of Jenny.....
So many people I want to talk about.... but I afraid I can't.
I accept them that accept me. for me my friends was a part of my self, even they not need me, I do need them a lot. However life must move on, and next year after graduation we shall follow our own path.
Every time I gone to my classes, I just wish to see my friend smile back to me and that just enough. Because we must not hate someone that have became part of our self.. Myself.
Monday, July 20, 2009
pokya part 3 (the seleb and the malaysia)
How should i tell u....
ok the right is me and the seleb (Zul), while on the right is the malaysia (acab)..
Zul was Acab friend, come to our life Pokya House as a DOTA rival, and that how what happen..
Well the only thing that comes and resonance all ppl in my house is DOTA, Lough and yell together... and I hate sam, he has become very good rival.. to me. but its ok.
Today was a very sleepy day, because Badri became vampire or night stalker... he can sleep for 12 hours that was very shocking and a record breaking..... and I want to clear thing he sleep at 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
well.. today was zatil mother birthday, I just want to say.... you have a very good daugther even sometimes she annoying... I wonder where does that comes from... I hope some one can tell me how to link anything I wrote to other blog??
And for who that know Acab he has a super weapon, ask him if u desire to know. However u will loss.....
Sunday, July 19, 2009
pokya part 2
Leo now staying at our house, with his own room, just give him some privacy since he not use to be so opened in term of private thing... (p/s: we better never try to know)
today was a very dizzy thing, get up at 6.00 a.m. then sleep and wake at again at 8.20 a.m. Kamil said no class,,,, actually have.
gone with Amir like craze to kuliah and in front of the door..... we stop and thinking should we open it? I take a walk and change my mind about having lecture this morning and surprisingly! Amir follow also hahahahahahhaha.....
What we do next, was easily preparing to meet our supervisor....
HEHEHHEH sometimes I also can't understand what I'm doing.....
My sub-conscious mind has awaken..
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Pokya company part 1
Sembang ngan Jen mmg best... sembang ngan Zatil pun sama... heheheh untung dpt kwn mcm nii...
tp kandungan cerita x leh bagi tau mmg LOL bangat! tp bkn notty no no no...
Sem potong rambut baru sama ngan Syafik hehhehe....
semangat sem baru... yor transform!
kelakar2 tp itu hak individu guyguuguguuu........
ah aku nak cerita pasal kawan aku nama Shamin kadang2 marah kadang aku kesian kat dia nii... tp dia ni x sensitif langsung maybe sbb tu dia survive ngan segala tomahan aku, ........
sbg fotographer agung mmg memalukan!
tp ni lah kwn aku yg sengal...
kepada memakwa yg kat luar tu kalau rasa nak dilukai amik lah dia!
K lah dah banyak aku mengarut kat cn...
kita jumpa esk dgn kawan bernama LEO
huhuuh nama romantik tp dah berpunya so korang melepas....
jgn mimpi nak rampas dia,,, makwe dia ahli gusti terkenal kat UMT...........
Li presentation going well!!!
what funny is the all trainee from GEC made the lecture LOL hahahahhaa...
we dominate...
well my presentation at the video part the computer hang! badly hang SHIT...'
but nvm I have continue it professionally huhuhuhu....
and the important part I got best presentation gagaggaa
what funny is the all trainee from GEC made the lecture LOL hahahahhaa...
we dominate...
well my presentation at the video part the computer hang! badly hang SHIT...'
but nvm I have continue it professionally huhuhuhu....
and the important part I got best presentation gagaggaa
Thursday, July 16, 2009
All coming back to me!
My lazybones behavior, have eating me!
tonight so many thing to do,,,,
my last advice to all my friends that shall present the LI report pls have confident in your self...
without confident u like a people that hoping other to help u rise to the surface.
k lah, have thing to do. good luck to all and may god be wif u.
tonight so many thing to do,,,,
my last advice to all my friends that shall present the LI report pls have confident in your self...
without confident u like a people that hoping other to help u rise to the surface.
k lah, have thing to do. good luck to all and may god be wif u.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Rasa mcm nak belajar guna Linux OS tp x tauhu, coz dah banyak kali dulu aku try lah nak guna tapi aku guna hanya setakat install and rosakkan komputer aku ,,, aku rasa aku dah salah step dalam pembelajaran dan juga masa install,,,, komputer aku dulu pun x support!
Aku baru beli rantai.... yes i mean rantai like above at UMT konvo shop,,, I like it,,, the old necklace dah rosak. so buy baru,,,,, larger than before,,
Malam ni x pegi pesta konvo coz baru bgn tidur... sob terlepas n my friend that said didn't want to go, left me! while im sleaping... so rude. Don't blame me if I ignore U remember I have my own way to revenge that! kk... I want to finish up my presentation bye for now...
Malam ni x pegi pesta konvo coz baru bgn tidur... sob terlepas n my friend that said didn't want to go, left me! while im sleaping... so rude. Don't blame me if I ignore U remember I have my own way to revenge that! kk... I want to finish up my presentation bye for now...
Finally !

nak faham semua ciri-ciri kat blogger punya setting and add-on mmg cukup memening kan aku but anyway its fun......
well i don't like to keep thing blank... that why i put all my effort into it.. sry cause my langgue mix between malay and english huhuhuu, luckly i don't use my etnic langguage...(java or bengkhulu) gigigii...
for ppl that not understand certain langguage you can ask me.... I will give u the translation.
I want to show a picture that i treasure so much because i think its pretty and everyone inside it was with their pure heart, how i know that was a secret....
See.... I LIKE IT (picture).. that male student was my friend and he was a Chinese! hahahhaa.... using only my laptop web cam... but the result and the feeling inside the pic has a deep meaning to me.. ah, everyone have their own stuff, thing that they love most! so, remember don't take other ppl things without their permision cause u don't know how valuable that stuff to them..... I always hope the best for my friend, yes indeed sometime I was irreasonable to my friends, but that because that how I show that I care them so much since I do not have many friend. I hope their friendship strong, eventhough that was their memory, I always wish just to get a bit of it; so that it shall be a memory that I will always remember....
Huhuhu enough with this selfish feeling..... hmm, I have many work to do but I delayed it.
Lazy lorrrr....
Actually something wandering in my head, can we wrote anything we like here???? I think I miss use blogger and turn it to be like my diary! LOL.... I am miss use it hahahhahahha aku x sangka aku mudah terbawa-bawa bicara ini dgn jauh! Anyway I want to thank Zachiru coz helping set-up many things here! hey teach me how to put da chat add on ! [ Its me! look!>>>>>>>>>>
Hehheeh i manage grrrrrrrrrrrr....
Hohoho im so talented sometimesss
don't get jealous.... going for Solat Subuh!
I am totally noob! i can't even find the button to view other ppl blog!
oh gosh....
kadang2 kita ingat kita dah pandai tapi ada lah banyak lg yg kita tak tau...
huhuhu, oh yer sbb utama kenapa aku rasa bleh keep going buat benda ni coz aku br beli celcom broadband!!!! hihihihi.... fun fun fun.... hmmm
senang skit kerja aku....
oh gosh....
kadang2 kita ingat kita dah pandai tapi ada lah banyak lg yg kita tak tau...
huhuhu, oh yer sbb utama kenapa aku rasa bleh keep going buat benda ni coz aku br beli celcom broadband!!!! hihihihi.... fun fun fun.... hmmm
senang skit kerja aku....
beginer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i did it
this is my first post for my blog! i cant believe it.........
thanks to zachiru and booney_aim for their will that they injected into me!!!
waaaa typing in english make me sweat! malay arrr.....
lega sikit.. banyak kerja nak buat sbg seorang mahasiswa, tp malaslah wat blog dulu heheheheh..
funggi blog?
aku pun tak tau, menyampaikan atau meluahkan perasaan? bg aku tak kot, maybe untuk mengikuti perkembangan semasa hahahhaa...... (ayat ni bkn mcm aku, if u now me)
however, maybe aku akan guna blog untuk salurkan pendapat or kongsi buah fikiran aku yang kadang x keluar kat public.... heheh wish me luck!
thanks to zachiru and booney_aim for their will that they injected into me!!!
waaaa typing in english make me sweat! malay arrr.....
lega sikit.. banyak kerja nak buat sbg seorang mahasiswa, tp malaslah wat blog dulu heheheheh..
funggi blog?
aku pun tak tau, menyampaikan atau meluahkan perasaan? bg aku tak kot, maybe untuk mengikuti perkembangan semasa hahahhaa...... (ayat ni bkn mcm aku, if u now me)
however, maybe aku akan guna blog untuk salurkan pendapat or kongsi buah fikiran aku yang kadang x keluar kat public.... heheh wish me luck!
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