Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This is unacceptable!

I wanna buy something on ebay... and it state that we only have the product at singapore only... malaysia? hmm nop......... waaaa so frustrated!

Why huh?

I just want to have that item lorr.... uh Malaysia plz develop faster but plz conserve the environment too...

I learn this... one of the obstacle of conservation was North-South division which refer to industrialize country at North and Develop country at south... north country have people that mostly educated, well feed and love environment because they have learn from their bad habit of destructing it in the past. Believing they must have and spread conservation to protect globally. why south country full with people that dun wan to learn from past history, stubborn, high poverty, we also believe that we have right to feed our selves even it shall cost the environment.... I can guarantee if u go to any people adult 40++ and say sir our nature is very badly disturbed n bla bla bla... it wont work!

I have been in this taxi and the driver say what u do there,,,, tanam bakau pakcik... and he reply why tanam bakau better go work got money,,,,, bakau can live them selves. uh that poor pakcik need to go for science class! badly.

I an one of scientific community and vow to spread the knowledge even it shall be the pain in ass. shit.

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