Friday, October 29, 2010

Night + Ghostly + Senseless


Friday Night–Lily Allen

Malam jumaat sambil mengkagumi iTunes media player, tetiba terdengar lagu ini. Pelik rasanya sebab walaupun lagu diatas telah sedia ada tapi baru beberapa minutes lepas mendengarnya (pelik aku type dgn bahasa pnuh… anggaplah latihan penulisan BM).

Malam ni kelakar sgt,,, sbb tadi kat astro ada crita “beranak dalam kubur” (ghost story), tp problemnya aku ketawa plak masa hantu tu kuar ha ha…. aku rasa aku dah jadi sloww sikit process maklumat LOL. Nak main game pun takder mood n akhirnya tertulis blog. Journalism so not my life! but I finally end up here.. wasting a little time to get my sleepy state. Harap2 tak ada yg membazir masa baca blog ni….

Walaupun hari ini hari jumaat or creepy friday night as many people selalu kata but for islamic friday is special day… org melayu suka fikir bukan2 pasal mlm jumaat… nasib baik aku jawa <rumpun melayu gak>

Hari ni tertengok gambar shamin kat FB yg sedang menjalani training kat UTM… ps: dia dah gmuk… gosh…. oh mari sembang pasal shamin…. I know him masa first year… org yg suka tersenyum n tersengih….. oh so not in my friend list…. well I don’t like him at all!….. pernah tak tegur satu sem! but then the last 3 sem sunddenly became friend….. not very close… but one of ppl I think worth to waste that phone credit….. maybe sbb sikap dia yg senseless n bad humor…. akhir nya aku kalah! sbb susah nak buat org mcm ni faham kita tak suka dia, n lama2 kita teradapt pulak kawan ngan dia. Btw terasa nak puji sikit shamin ni.. dia seorang yg tinggi leader ship… semangat setiakawan n jiwang tak bertempat… N marilah kawan ngan budak bernama shamin sbb walaupun anda tak suka dia lama2 kita akan auto adapt sbb dia ni immune to provocation, n sinister plan…

aku baru perasan….. isi kandungan blog ni bercampur aduk! What a trash!

Monday, October 25, 2010

This is hilarious

I found this in you tube... but i dun dare to share on my FB.. so here ok i guess.. but its true.. protect your self n other lol

PS: cant believe they are educational video like this

Thursday, October 21, 2010


this the status of my application at UPM…. and below is the offer letter from UPM
So we see.. gu gu gu

P/S: My butt already have a sit in UPMn sry for poor picture quality, dunno how to get a better snap

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I never hope for them to aged..... but some aged for good

Cute, handsome, young, God focus on this special creation, n bla bla bla.... I always asking myself, why some people that look very very handsome/pretty (in the time we meet) turn to be..... other creature? Like we dunno... really2 dunno..... mcm Laila (kawan Jenny) pernah kata.... ada org letak ubat gmuk dalam air dia.. yg menyebabkan dia jadi gmuk............ I dunno how aging make people seem very differ... 
Here the story... I got a friends that I think very2 handsome in past 6 years... and after 6 years not meeting him... all the facial structure change.. like changing into other people that I never know ... (I not recognize him at all, like monster)... and some that very so so... became so masculine,,,, (never go for gym)... it make me think... how can this happen...? I even think.... will I became positive or negative.. in this growth process?   If you have ever watch the Curiuos Case of Benjamin Button (if I spell it Correct)... we would like it to be just like that... so youth full in the late age... waaa like dream come true.

But my auntie always said.. if you always happy,,, never done anything wrong that lead to feel uneasy or guilt. You will be younger than your age. So the conclusion, problems are unworthy to be worried negatively, but need to be solve with open-minded and positive thinking. DON'T LET YOU AGED BEFORE TIME!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My current state...

After graduating from UMT... I had doing so well in managing my house..... (I dun work!)... wake-up on 9 a.m. tidy the house, feed the cat and cook for lunch... doing laundry.. but I cant wait to meet December. Usually I hate December, cause its the time when the school end, friends have to go separately, and your bank account all seem to be disabled.. but now I waiting the December in curious, further my study at UPM or UKM... btw I doing the coursework only, (my auntie said just to make sure you grade in correct date), I dun get what she mean, in my mind..... whateverrr.
Its damn boring at home, almost drain my sanity. I think I already insane since updating this blog also not in the top priority... as said by Kak Mai "dah lama tak update blog". At home I speak less and move less, there were days I almost not going anywhere, and some I just sit still in front of the lappy starring the screen, just to see if something new pop in the FB notification!
 Gosh I forgot to say something,,,
I still finding my true self, are you? not to be confused... building your self (which I mean) or being build into a person that the society or your friends, parent prefer. Many people aren't happy with their self since they just a model that suit the society or fit into it nicely but not in their soul, like a soulless puppet. When you try to be other, something that fit your self, there were always obstacles... this just a nature... those who fit shall survive. We can't run from being people that not our self... because we need to fit to survive. Those who excel in this,,, I call adapter, with the ability to adapt all state of environmental changes... that why we see people that can fit into all kind of society or bunch of people that something vary between each.... can you find one around you? Then you should learn and adapt like them.
Life is short, and yet it long... to those who understand. Endure it... and always remember, we always have choice....
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