Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Problem teaching Us and teaching others

Abstract Suit Me Better Than Formal

Lately many thing unfavorable happen to me... its hurts and burden me much,,, where sometimes friend became enemy and rival became more supportive to myself. I hate problems and sickness. Hearing other people problem also hurting me deeply. Well a world free from problem was never exist. I realize that day by day I have became the old me,, negative,,, negative person. A type that not easily going well and where everything got filtered in my head.

However, Im glade that there still people that still support me and advise me. Sometimes I can became very naive and clumsy,,, sorry to other,,, I really want to finish this degree student life as quick as possible and get going to the next level far away from past memory.

Life isn't fair as always Jenny said....

For me life isn't fair if we keep thinking about we desire and when other get it easily but we have to work hard for it.

My FYP,,, hmm the cell contaminated and now its still in unfavorable condition. I really hope it will get ok soon. very soon...

Am I jealous about others? yes I am. I jealous. I want what they have,,, physically or materially. But as time goes on all gone like it is easily wipe out. Time a good medicine for me...

I hope problems can teach me well to get going as I want to live with life. Lastly, I just want to be myself... not other person, as other have idol for their motivation,,, I'm not, because I just want to be me, just me.

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