Hahaha dah lama tak update blog,,, kata zatil berhabuk huhu...
Today Kak Syma telah berjaya mengimport perfume Ralph Lauren Polo Black yg sangat misteri,,, (bau dia),,, mmg misteri sbb I try a spray n lepas tu tak sampai 15 minutes aku trus tertido.... Uh mmg pelik.... well I kind of like it,,, tq Syma Branded hahahaha.... harga kat luar hmm around RM2++ but dapat RM190 cause bli kat kawasan duty free.... KLIA.

Kak Syma
I like perfume, it make my nose feel very very good and feel relax lots better... uh down here is the ingredient that they use to make the smell... sense magical...
[Frosted mango, Aldehyde Tangerine, Lemon, Fruits of water, Sage, Sandal, Black Patchouli, Timberol, Broad bean Tonka]

POLO BLACKHmm another think saya baru dapat tgk Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce telephone.... as expected from Lady Gaga..... nice vid n song.... freak actually but that what I call art and unique....
Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce - Telephone
Hmm my FYP sound good condition.... sekarang tgh study tuk exam.... walaupun cuma 1 per 20 shj waktu dalam sehari study... uh God I am very lazy today hahahaha..... tp rindu rasanya kat staff, master student at Inos especially penghabitat Makmal 3 haha..... I wanna see the amoeba for the last times before I fly over to my kampung....
Sometimes I have chat conservation with people from Canada, Norway, UK, US n where ever, girls man, autie, uncle, straight, bisex, homo, ah I dun care,,,, since I wanna compete with Zila tuk tgk sapa ada kawan paling ramai di YM haha since that I add and being added by people around the globe.... kadang leh jadi duta gak,,, yang paling pelik,,, sometimes I do the vid conversation, U know what they say,
(1) you look very young
(2) Nice skin colour
(3) Your lips is very kissable>>> this are stuff I can never imagine to hear around here,, pretty much it make me appreciate my self n I also think they blind sometimes; usually I response like this... "I dont think so, maybe the cam make me look better on it"
... maybe I should go for oversea for further study and see their response! My YM friends currently 266 people.... I need more... yang paling tak tahan bila tetiba ada peminat yg tak dijemput nak tgk cam shj,,, masa tu lar fungsi invisible sgt bernilai...
People said my face look very convenient for people to interact with, is it? my friend say.. "haha mmg muka mesra, innocent... tp demonic presence tu ada" (Amir, 2010) <<< Amir dengki haha
other... "Your face look like org yg kerja kat kaunter pertanyaan!" (Jenna, 2010).
Eh susah nak jadi kaunter pertanyaan, U have to know lots of stuff,,, n many2 links... but thanks to internet; everything possible... yg paling penting to know all or desire for all knowledge,,, U must be open-minded at the same times put a barrier that keep you away from the knowledge you might gain because not all knowledge made for all type of human...
Uhh nampaknyer I succeed updating this blog for 1 month period haha.. yeah tak yah update sebulan....